Random Naruto Fanart!

Hi random people reading this :) I haven't posted for a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. I've been posting up a Fanfic called Mist's Legacy on Fanfiction.net and DeviantArt . It's based on the anime Naruto/Naruto Shippuden. It's a romance fanfic with the main couple being my OC, Mizushima Aiko, and Uchiha Sasuke. I decided to draw the couple mid conversation in one of Orochimaru's bases. I imagine what they’re saying would go something like this: ~~~~~~ Sasuke: I’ve noticed this for a long time now. Why does Kabuto glare at your sash? Aiko: *laughs* Because I shot him down when he insisted I wear that tacky purple belt. Sasuke: *raises an eyebrow* Is that all you did? If so, Kabuto is more sensitive than I initially thought. Aiko: He is sensitive if he’s still holding a grudge after a few years. When I first came under Orochimaru’s caring tutelage, my old clothes were worn out so Kabuto brought me a new se...