Random Naruto Fanart!

Hi random people reading this :)

I haven't posted for a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. I've been posting up a Fanfic called Mist's Legacy on Fanfiction.net and DeviantArt. It's based on the anime Naruto/Naruto Shippuden. It's a romance fanfic with the main couple being my OC, Mizushima Aiko, and Uchiha Sasuke.

I decided to draw the couple mid conversation in one of Orochimaru's bases. I imagine what they’re saying would go something like this:


Sasuke: I’ve noticed this for a long time now. Why does Kabuto glare at your sash?

Aiko: *laughs* Because I shot him down when he insisted I wear that tacky purple belt.

Sasuke: *raises an eyebrow* Is that all you did? If so, Kabuto is more sensitive than I initially thought.

Aiko: He is sensitive if he’s still holding a grudge after a few years. When I first came under Orochimaru’s caring tutelage, my old clothes were worn out so Kabuto brought me a new set of clothing. I told him I didn’t want to wear that gross purple belt because Orochimaru wears it. Kabuto said the rope belt was part of the standard uniform for Orochimaru’s favored underlings, so he insisted I wear it. At the time, I had just been kidnapped and tormented. I replied ‘Fuck you, Kabuto. Take that ugly belt back and kindly shove it up Orochimaru’s ass for me. I’m sure it won’t be the first thing you’ve shoved up there.’

Sasuke: *Stifles a laugh*

Aiko: Needless to say, Kabuto got pissed. Also, he got weirdly defensive about shoving things up Orochimaru’s ass. He vehemently denied that he’d ever done anything like that and stood there ranting for a while. He eventually took the belt back and instead gave me the sash that I asked for. Ever since then, I think my sash brings up that memory - hence the glaring. 

Sasuke: *chuckles* I understand now. I wonder if Kabuto was traumatized by the experience?

Aiko: Either traumatized or he hates the fact that he actually loves shoving things up Orochimaru’s ass.

Sasuke: I guess we’ll never truly know.

Aiko: I guess not. *pats sash lovingly* Though I do feel a little guilty about the whole thing.

Sasuke: *smiles* You’re such a baka Aiko, but this place would be… darker without you.

Kabuto: *eavesdropping around the corner* Those gossiping idiots. *slowly shakes his head with anger* I’m not the one who’s messed up here, its Orochimaru-sama…

*Kabuto’s eyes glaze over*


I posted this pic up on Deviant Art, but I thought I'd add it to my blog too along with a gif of my process.

For the foreseeable future, I'm going to be finishing up Mist's Legacy and I'll be working on 2D game art.


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