Sketches and sickness

It's been about two months that I've been struggling with covid-19 post-viral fatigue and who knows what else. Technically, I've been sick since mid-March, but it's only been in the past two months that I've been to the point where I'm essentially bedbound. It was worse a month ago, but I'm finally to the point where I can walk to the bathroom once a day by myself and open the curtains in my bedroom to let the sunlight in. Other than that, I'm in bed all day, unable to walk any farther than what I've just mentioned. Previously, I was unable to do anything but lay in bed and meditate. It was a struggle to even pick up my water bottle and eating knocked me out. Nowadays, I've got just enough strength to draw, write, or even sing. I'm optimistic I'll get better, it's just a slow as fuck process. I've learned to be patient and that results come weekly or even monthly, not daily. For anyone dealing with any sickness,  chronic or otherwise, I truly wish you well. It's been horrific for me not knowing if or when I'll truly ever be at 100% again. I'm keeping positive, though. I know I'll heal, and therefore it will be so. We are all such powerful manifestors, so let's all manifest good health and an amazing quality of life for all.

While I've been dealing with this chronic fatigue and extremely high levels of anxiety, I've been drawing and writing some lyrics. I'll post the sketches here and I'll probably be incorporating the lyrics into some future vocal work I do for musician Mt. Majora.

Okay, so the three pictures above are actually old as fuck. I made them the first one in high school and the other two in my early college years.
This is the first of my recent sketches. Ever had a brain MRI? That's what inspired this haha... The MRI and a shitload of anxiety, at least...
He's not a zombie, he's what I feel like when it's a struggle to even lift my arm. Post-viral fatigue/ Chronic fatigue is nothing to make light of. It's severely debilitating.
Disease, it's pretty self explanatory. I felt cut off from the flow of universal life flow. Now, I don't, thank God/Goddess/Universal Creative Energy/Whatever it may be. On a side note, I'm still not sure what to refer to this universal life energy as. God? Goddess? Oneness? Yahweh? Yeshua?
This was made because I'm still dealing with episodes of fatigue so extreme, my whole body tingles and I can't move. Honestly, I can't do anything but faintly wiggle my fingers and toes. These episodes last a max of two hours, thankfully. I caught a glimpse of a creature in my mind's eye and drew this based off of that internal image.
These last two sketches are sculptures that I want to make. It takes a lot more energy to sculpt so I can't do it right now, but in the future I definitely will!

Anyways, I give you my love if you're reading this and I hope all is going well in your wonderful life. I'm just grateful to be here alive and breathing.... and conscious :)


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