Miscellanea: Mantra, Art, Animation, Music, & Poetry

Recent mantra that I came up with. Simple. Easy. It's not the first I've come up with, but it's the first I've ever shared publicly.

♪ I am aligned ♪

♪ I am alive ♪

♪ I have my mind ♪ 

♪ These problems don't run my life ♪

Since my last update I've made a couple more art pieces and collaborated on two songs with a band called Delta Divide. Since then, I've been on hiatus. I've been attending school for a while again and I just haven't had enough energy to keep up with school and art. Also, I've been mentally tired. Burnt out. I needed a break and I sort of got one, but not really. My life feels like a mess sometimes, but I know it's not overall. I can't wait to keep traveling my educational path. Now only if I could land a decent remote internship and somehow make some money 💫

Art Pieces:


Music & Poetry:


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