A being with a renaissance mind.
I'm a visual artist, singer, writer, and an Otome VN game dev.
I'm an independent artist so your support means the world to me!
I did this painting for my visual novel. I plan to elaborate more on this blog about the content of said visual novel, but I'm still writing the script and shaping the story (I haven't even come up with a title! >.<). For now, I just decided to post this video showing the sped up process it took me to create this background.
The music playing comes from the artist Mt_Majora. The song names in order are: bat, blank, dau, loose, devi, letterip, and lang. Mt_Majora is an artist that believes in the open-source revolution and therefore all of his music is available for use non-commercially and commercially by other artists as long as he is credited. I also use creative commons licenses with all my art as I too believe in an open-source world/future. I also simply ask for credits if any of my art is used.
Hi random people reading this :) I haven't posted for a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. I've been posting up a Fanfic called Mist's Legacy on Fanfiction.net and DeviantArt . It's based on the anime Naruto/Naruto Shippuden. It's a romance fanfic with the main couple being my OC, Mizushima Aiko, and Uchiha Sasuke. I decided to draw the couple mid conversation in one of Orochimaru's bases. I imagine what they’re saying would go something like this: ~~~~~~ Sasuke: I’ve noticed this for a long time now. Why does Kabuto glare at your sash? Aiko: *laughs* Because I shot him down when he insisted I wear that tacky purple belt. Sasuke: *raises an eyebrow* Is that all you did? If so, Kabuto is more sensitive than I initially thought. Aiko: He is sensitive if he’s still holding a grudge after a few years. When I first came under Orochimaru’s caring tutelage, my old clothes were worn out so Kabuto brought me a new se...
I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I would just randomly talk about what I'm up to~ At the moment, I've been addicted to this dressing game. It's a cute app with lots of outfits <3 It's a nice time waster. I've been so busy that I haven't been able to watch any anime or really anything at all. I've been wanting to catch up on Tokyo Ghoul. I watched the first season and then before knew it four seasons were already out (>.<)! I've also really been wanting to watch the second season of Psycho-Pass. I'm a total Ginoza fangirl haha~ I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Psycho-Pass has a VN and now I gotta check that out too. Not to mention that I want to play Sweet Pool, a VN by Nitro+Chiral (I'm not super into BL, but Nitro consistently has great writing and characters). I'm swamped with stuff to play and that I want to see 😂 I feel like I'm never going to catch up! Anyways, I've been slowly but surely w...
I haven't posted in a long time, but it doesn't mean I haven't been doing anything :) Recently I've gotten into sculpting and jewelry making. I made two new sculptures. One is a replica of Majora's Mask: View this post on Instagram Majora's Mask Sculpture. Created from paper clay 🌹☠️ #claysculpture #clay #majorasmask #zelda #zeldafanart #art #artwork #sculpting #sculpture A post shared by Terra-Essence Art (@terra.essence.art) on Mar 6, 2020 at 8:14pm PST The other sculpture is a decorative, water element creature mask: View this post on Instagram ☠️ Water Element Decorative Monster Mask ☠️ I'm working on making some wearable masks! For now this is a decorative clay mask. #decorativeart #decorative #clay #mask #claymask #claysculpture #artwork #waterelement #monster #monstermask A post shared by Terra-Essence Art (@...
Recent mantra that I came up with. Simple. Easy. It's not the first I've come up with, but it's the first I've ever shared publicly. ♪ I am aligned ♪ ♪ I am alive ♪ ♪ I have my mind ♪ ♪ These problems don't run my life ♪ Since my last update I've made a couple more art pieces and collaborated on two songs with a band called Delta Divide. Since then, I've been on hiatus. I've been attending school for a while again and I just haven't had enough energy to keep up with school and art. Also, I've been mentally tired. Burnt out. I needed a break and I sort of got one, but not really. My life feels like a mess sometimes, but I know it's not overall. I can't wait to keep traveling my educational path. Now only if I could land a decent remote internship and somehow make some money 💫 Art Pieces: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kristin Garcia (@terra.essence.art) View this post on Instagram ...
I've written a lot of poetry that could become future song lyrics. I might post some of the random poems I have sometime. Anyways here's some new artwork and a poem: ...Inert Guardian... Gripping to the ledge Tottering on the edge Contort as I lay Scream as I may Is this the moment reality breaks? Mayhem seething and irate Is this the moment this form decays? Eagerly overcome and ensnare rationality from the unconductive husk that is my brain The will cannot be contained what flesh has made weak - is disdained Deep peace obtained lies dormant Hermetic, unacclaimed Sing to myself to starve the shadow Sing to myself to stave the beast Reverberations contrite, alluding to wishful jouissance Grasping at visions of haleness and love Watchful orbs survey in fragments, a reminder this is a non-divergent path To suffer need not elicit pain Music by: Mt_Majora Vocals by: Me :)
So recently I released a new album that's kinda shitty but whatever - I think the art's cool. I made the artwork, album art, and animation myself. I made a visualizer in After Effects. I've made a couple of other digital paintings recently. They can all be found on my ArtStation. I actually started a new merch shop on Teespring too. I'm still posting up different designs. For now I'm going to be experimenting with new sounds and creating new T-shirt designs. I really want to make more time for writing though! I want to complete more of my own original stuff X)
It's been a while since my last post. A lot of changes have taken place in my life. Too many, actually. It's kind of overwhelming and I'm surprised I handled any of it given the state I'm in. Emotional turmoil runs deep. Suffice it to say, I'm in a new place physically and mentally. I've finally adjusted and settled in to the point that I was able to finish some artwork. In terms of health, I've made some great strides. I can do more physically and I'm more housebound than bedridden. I still can't walk more than a minute without crumpling into a jittery, fucky goo pile xD All I can do is laugh at how ridiculous my body is reacting to the most normal of stimuli. I'll never underestimate the miracle that is basic fucking standing up ever again! Anyways.... I drew the original a couple months ago now, but just now have finished the coloring process. ..~Succumb~.. Torn far enough through the core Sedated, deranged stat...
It's been about two months that I've been struggling with covid-19 post-viral fatigue and who knows what else. Technically, I've been sick since mid-March, but it's only been in the past two months that I've been to the point where I'm essentially bedbound. It was worse a month ago, but I'm finally to the point where I can walk to the bathroom once a day by myself and open the curtains in my bedroom to let the sunlight in. Other than that, I'm in bed all day, unable to walk any farther than what I've just mentioned. Previously, I was unable to do anything but lay in bed and meditate. It was a struggle to even pick up my water bottle and eating knocked me out. Nowadays, I've got just enough strength to draw, write, or even sing. I'm optimistic I'll get better, it's just a slow as fuck process. I've learned to be patient and that results come weekly or even monthly, not daily. For anyone dealing with any sickness, chronic or otherw...
I finished this a few days ago. It's based on the Japanese mythology about Amaterasu hiding in a cave. Apparently Amaterasu hid herself away in a cave due to an argument and refused to come out. Since she's the sun goddess, the world was covered in darkness and evil spirits roamed all over the earth. To lure her out of the cave, the other gods tried many things. They placed a large tree outside the cave and decorated it with magatama, white clothes, and a mirror at its center. In addition, another goddess danced so wildly with a strip-tease routine that the other gods' laughter caused Amaterasu to become curious. She opened her barricaded cave and was distracted by her reflection in the mirror. Eventually she was yanked out of the cave and there was sunlight over the earth once more. Here Amaterasu is entranced by her reflection and is being honored by a priest and priestess below.
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