Posting up my old fanfic and my plans~

Guess what? I've decided to post up all of my old fanfic. I'll be going through it and lightly editing it before putting it on DeviantArt and I'm super nervous about this because I've always been overly critical of my writing, but whatever.

I used to post fanfic up on Quizilla back in the day before it was bought out. Eventually when Quizilla turned suckish, I took all my work down, got super ambitious, and wanted to create my own fanfic VNs. Basically, right now, I lack the time and the funds to create quality VNs for both Naruto and Death Note. I planned out writing all these paths for each character (which for Naruto is an undertaking haha~), but I decided to put everything on hold and pretty much drop the projects. Instead, I'll focus on my original rpg/VN because honestly I need to generate money (gotta eat, you know~) and I want to make a living off of my art and writing.

For now, I've decided to simply post up what I've already written to see if people like my writing style and would even be interested in me making an original rpg/VN.

I already posted a one shot for Psycho-Pass (Ginoza x Akane). This is the only literature that I've written recently.

Yay, pretty Ginoza x Akane picture that's definitely not my artwork. I own nothing here~
You can find my Psycho-Pass [18+] One Shot - No Regrets here: on DeviantArt and on FanFiction.

Just so you know, my fanfics aren't innocent~ I'm a twenty something year old, after all~ Though they are kind of vanilla haha

Keep an eye out, if you're interested at all, on my DeviantArt and FanFiction profile. The next fanfic I'll be posting is a Sasuke Uchiha x OC story [Mist's Legacy]. It follows the manga, not anime, and it's loooong. What I'll (maybe) be posting after Mist's Legacy is my thus far untitled Death Note fanfic that's L x OC.

If you read any of my stuff and like it, let me know~ I don't mind critiques since they help me grow. If you read any of my fanfics and would be interested in me writing my own fantasy rpg/VN, let me know~

Eventually I'm going to be up on Patreon trying to make a living off of doing what I love - creating artwork and writing! If you've read up to this point, I'm stunned.


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